Slovenia 2018
This year we sold 16 heifer’s and 2 young breeding bull’s to Slovenia, to three different farms, who are starting to breed anguses. Our animals, who are used to flat land and gentle sea breeze will have to cope with Slovenian rough and amazing nature in the mountains.
First load of animals we took to Tomaž & Adrijana– 10 heifer’s and 1 young breeding bull( Saareõue Edson Boy, FF: Dunlouise Cortachy Boy, MF: Lockerly Kind Pascall) Tomaž’s organc farm has some simmenthal cow’s but in the future he plan’s to go forward only with angus. Beside’s beef, Tomaž and Adrijana also raises goats and chickens.
On the same trip we saw animals, in Posestvo Bajer farm, we have brought there earlyer years, who are adjusted well and they have’nt forgot our Estonian „vissi-vissi.“ (We call our animals like this, when we need them to come). Saareõue Black Boy, who is Posestvo Bajer’s farm breeding bull, look’s just like his father. Besides good looking he also got very good and calm temperament. Black boy is very first purebreed aberdeen angus bull in Slovenian fresh angus herdbook. We are very proud to have our animals on top of it.
We started driving with our second load of animals on 5.april, with 6 heifer’s and 1 breeding bull. First stop was again in Tomaž’s and Adrijana’s farm, where we delivered 3 heifers. Next, we started driving to Gašper’s farm, where the road was a bit too dangerous for our trailer and truck, so we decided to load animals into another, smaller horse trailer, to insure the safety of all of us. Gašper has some simmenthal and limousine cattle but he is also planning to go forward only with angus.
Our third stop took us next to Italian border, farm, which is surrounded with powerful mountains and unbelivebly beautiful nature, where are working two young farmers Primoš and Lea. Our young breeding bull Saareõue Edgar Outlier(FF: Matauri Outlier MF: Nightingale Papa) will start working in that farm, with 4 young heifers.
When we started driving back home from Lea and Primoš farm, our car decided not to work with us anymore. Gearbox went on an accident mode. We still decided to move on slowly, but unfortunately we were defited by the mountains and with lack of power we stopped just before small town Predel. As things were bad allready, we stopped on the road that was very, very narrow in a small village where one the right side was mountain reaching high as you can see and on the left side cliff, down to deep. Luckily Primoš and Lea came to help with their truck an towed us up the hill, to the parking place. After communicating with insurance, car serive and towing companies we were back in Ljubljana and on Monday morning we got our truck fixed and strated driving back home.
You have to be ready for things to happen but unfortunately we are never too prepared. We are lucky that these problemes came, when all our cow’s were safely delivered. We think our truck collapsed because of the lack of oxygen 🙂
When we were in Slovenia, Bernard and Janja, from Posestvo Bajer farm helped and hosted us. On both trip’s they drove along with us so we don’t get lost and arrive to destination’s safetly. Big, big thanks!